As the Christmas & New Year holidays are coming, our company continues to support vulnerable social groups in need by donating personal care products. This year, 2021, was a difficult year, which affected all social groups, calling on them to adapt to a daily life that is constantly changing.
This year, through PSVAK and in collaboration with Médecins du Monde, our company donated shower gels, body lotions & face creams to the Open Accommodation Center "A Step Forward". The Open Center accommodates single women or single mothers with children during their asylum application period, several of whom are survivors of gender-based violence.

More specifically, the Open Accommodation Center has a capacity of 44 seats and has specially designed rooms for dining and creative activities. On a daily basis, the basic needs of personal hygiene are fulfilled, as well as the feeding of the guests. In addition, many services are provided such as health & psychosocial support, language lessons, empowerment, creative activities and remedial teaching, while in cooperation with local schools children are enrolled in the education system. The average period of stay of women with their children is 6 months and the goal is to quickly find viable solutions for their social inclusion. Since the opening of "A Step Forward" until today, about 115 women and children have already been hosted.
Priority in the integration of the structure is given to mothers with infants and toddlers, while for women without children there is no age limit upwards, as long as they have completed the 18th year of their age. Citizenship, religion and gender identity are not criteria for exclusion from the Open Accommodation Center.
Remaining aware, our company hopes that this gesture will give joy to the women of "A Step Forward" as conditions have not allowed them to take care of themselves. The goal of all is, both the host women and their children, to live moments of a normal and calm life, for as long as this can be done.
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